
registro: 09/04/2014
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Rummy HD

Rummy HD

Rummy HD
1 ano 241 dias h


Is it nobler to rise up and protest and injustice? or is it nobler to stand quietly by not making any waves in the status quo?   

Should one say that is just how it is? or should we shout out that is not what it should be?

Should we stay with what has been there long? or fight for change very strong?

Do friends only love you when you agree with them? or do they love you inspire of your disagreements?

Is it nobler to allow someone to go on blindly in a direction of misfortune? or is it nobler to take them by the hand and lead them to a safer path?

Should you stand by with a net to catch a friend taking a big chance? or step aside and allow them the succeed or frail on their own.

I once heart something I think it may be from the Bible.   It says you should remove the log from your own eye so that you may better see to remove the cinder from someone else's eye.   That is good advice.   Perhaps the noblest thing to do is just walk away and start anew.


     The thoughts for today will be jumping around a lot.   There are several things that I need to get off my chest.  First my mom always said if the shoe fits ware it and if it pinches holler.   Well apparently someone put on a shoe that was too tight last night and did not like what I said, but instead of being woman enough to confront me she went running to someone who really had nothing to do with it.   I found this action very very interesting considering what she was whining to him about.   I will not go into the subject, but it was interesting her reaction to what I said.   Like I told him for what I said to her to effect her the way it did she must have seen the truth in what I said and felt bad about it.     I just love how people want to get back at someone for something they say or do but they do not want to do it themselves.   My mom used to say one person was making the bullets and another was shooting them when someone would seek revenge by proxy in this manner.

     The next subject may seem unrelated but if you knew the whole story you would see there is a thin thread connecting both of these things.   I do not like bullies I was bullied in my youth and really hate when people do it to others today.   Even if someone does something stupid like making up a story to get attention for themselves, it does not warrant  someone or a group of others making fun of that person for and extended time.   If someone says something you know is not true, I do not see anything wrong with calling bs on the story, but there is no need to keep taunting the person about it for days.   No one is perfect.  I know I am not.  We all should live by the golden rule:  Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.   If you do not want people picking on you, you should not pick on others.

     There are times I get so frustrated I feel like just walking away from everyone and everything I know and starting over somewhere else.   Why so I stay?   It is because I have a good sense of responsibility to things I commit to.    I have seen others do it but it is not in me to do that.   I try to do my best to live up to what my family and friends expect of me only to have others try to drag me down.

     Have you ever wondered why some people are alone, never finding someone to be with forever?   It is because they are evil of sole and personality.   If you are a bitch no one will want to spend their life with you.   If you are a bully people will run away from you.   Picking on someone smaller then you and making them scared des not make you strong it shows how truly weak and insecure you really are.


     I have been accused on more then one occasion of over thinking things.   I guess I do think things to death sometimes.   The way my mind works everything does not fully process the first time I think about it and I need to go back and rethink it sometimes several times to fully understand everything.   Even then there may be some things that in the words of one of my favorite sifi characters  does not compute.

     I have come upon one of those does not compute things recently, and I have been running it through my head over and over.   I do not understand how one person can be condemned for something they put on a website, and another be basically given a free pass for putting something more damaging on the same site.   If it is wrong for one person to post something unkind on a site should it not also be wrong for someone else to post something unkind on the same site even if the second person did not reach as many people as the first.   Both things happened on the same site  regardless of the amount of people that actually saw either one.

     While I am over thinking things lets jump to another subject.   If someone provokes another to do something wrong either by pear pressure or bullying or just pushing till the second person can not take it anymore and pushes back, should not BOTH be to blame for what happens next.   The first for in sighting  it to happen and the second for allowing their emotions to get the better of them to the point they do something they knew they should not.

     Lets jump to another subject:   Lets talk about face book.   I do not have one.   I have seen this thing break up too many friendships.   I have come to the conclusion that the reason it causes so much anger, resentment, envy, jealousy, paranoia, and rejection  is that NO ONE ACTUALLY TALKS TO ANYONE ANYMORE AND EVERYONE IS TOO QUICK TO ASSUME WHAT SOMEONE ELSE MEANT WHEN THEY WROTE SOMETHING.   There is an old saying if the shoe fits ware it and if it pinches holler.     For any of you who do not speak folk sayings let me explain the meaning to you.   It means if someone says something AND DID NOT SAY A NAME but you thought it was about you THE SHOE FIT, and if you were offended by what was said even though  NOONE SAID IT WAS ABOUT YOU  THE SHOE PINCHED, because you saw yourself in the statement.   Most people at the point of the shoe pinching will get all mad and want to fight with the person that said it EVEN THOUGH it may not have even been about them in the first place.   When the person that said it tries to tell the one that jumped to the wrong conclusion that it was not about them, the one that did the conclusion jumping will think they are lying to them EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT.   How simple would it be to just ask the speaker who are you talking about and then IF they do say you ask then why they said it.   What many people do not realize EVEN IF someone does say something mean about friend 9 times out of 10 it is because the friend had annoyed them and they were just venting some anger then did not really mean what they said.     I have a friend she got mad because another friend told her she was two faced.   The funny part about this is SHE IS.   She has no problem talking about people behind their backs and being really nice to their face.   The thing is most of us are a little two faced as you may be able to tell from what I just said.   I did not tell my friend WELL YOU ARE when the other friend told her she was two faced she was upset and I did not want to hurt her more.   Not telling her then and putting it in this blog does in fact make me a little two faced too.   Someone has to make me really mad before I will hurt their feelings intentionally.   I have done that only 1 time, but it was something I had to do and a long story.

     Did I mention that I not only over think things but from time to time my brain will switch tracks suddenly and without warning or reason that anyone can see but me.   I remember talking to my favorite nephew one time and right in the middle of the conversation he said something that reminded me of something I needed to tell him.   I stopped him and said oooooooo that reminds me I needed to tell you this, and I told him the thing I remembered.   He looked at me with a puzzled look on his face and said how did what I just said remind you of that?   So I recounted the steps for him the thoughts had taken to make the bridge there were about 8 jumps from what he said to the thing I remembered each jump reminded me of the next.   When I finished telling him, and he saw there was a bridge in my head from the one to the other he said I am sorry I asked.   I laughed at him and told him my brain did that all in a split second, but there was a connection.   He went on with what he was saying a little more confused I am thinking. lol   Just like that day each of these things I have mentioned have a connection but you would need to be inside my head to see it.


     Have you ever had a day when nearly every man you talked to has annoyed you upset you or just made you mad enough to punch them?  In the past 7 hrs there has only been one man I have talked to that has not made me what to smack them silly.   I do not know is it them of is it me?   Am I just being a grouchy shrew or are they really working my nerves on purpose.   It got so bad I just signed off the messenger and out of Skype and said heck with it all.   Some of them were trying to get me to take their side against others, some were on power trips, some were straight up lying to me, and some were ignoring me when I tried to make them see where they were wrong.   Only 1 of them all did not make me want to scream at him, so I do not know if it is me or them.   All I know for sure is I defiantly need to get away from them all till I can figure out if it is me or them before they bring out a side of me I try hard to keep hidden.   It is like they do not understand if you are already on edge it does not take much of a shove to push you over the edge.  

     I think I am going to edit my family Christmas pictures and maybe if I am lucky tomorrow will be a better day.


     Ever have one of those days when you do not understand anything?   I am having one of those days.   It started out so good even though it was raining out I woke up in a good mood,   I actually thought things were finally looking up a bit.    I do not understand how I can be so happy one minute and in less then an hr everything comes crashing down.   I do not understand why there are so many deaths around the holidays.   I do not understand why my mood is so up and down this time of year.    Anyone got any idea what I can do to get through the holiday season without winding up with a chapped face from crying too much?   Sometimes I wonder why I bother.   How can I go from having the best day I have had in weeks to crying so hard I can hardly see.   What is wrong with me?   Why is my life so bumpy?