
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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A Story to Remember

I found this story on line and I felt the need to share it, because it touched me so much I actually cried as i read it.

Everyone Was Warned Not To Touch Him, But This Guy Did




     I just saw something truly stupid.   As the story goes an African American rapper invited a white fan on stage to sing with him.   The song had the N word as part of the lyrics and he told her she was not allowed to sing the N word.   Now  I got to tell you this is not only truly stupid, but looks like a form of entrapment to me.    Think about this a minute.   The girl was a fan so she liked him and his music.   He asked her on stage to sing with him, knowing fully well what the words to his song were.   So why in the world would he tell her she could not sing the song THE WAY IT WAS WRITTEN?  SERIOUSLY!   Why would you ask someone to sing a song with you and then get all bent out of shape when they sing it the way it was written.  
     What really makes me mad is the girl apologized for doing what he asked her to.   HE ASKED HER TO SING WITH HIM.   I got one thing to say to ALL song writers and performers ,IF YOU DO NOT WANT PEOPLE TO SING CERTAIN WORDS LIKE THAT DO NOT PUT THEM IN THE DANG SONGS IN THE FIRST PLACE.   Which brings me to the next thought why the hell do African Americans call one another that N word when they have a fit if any other race call them it????
     I actually asked a few young African Americans that very question last summer.   They had an interesting explanation.   They told me I was not hearing them correctly they said they were not saying the N word I thought they were saying.   They told me they were saying Nigga and that to them it means like brother.   Now this came from the teens using the word, so I am going to accept that as true.   Thing is what people do not realize is not everyone hear the words the way you are pronouncing them or meaning them.   
     I think people would get along better if everyone would just see each other for who they are inside and not the color of the skin.


     I rarely do an add on to a blog but here it is:   Thank you both for your comments.   You are right no one teaches us hoe to be parents gut,there is one thing you are over looking EgoPatrol   Most people do not need to be taught how to be parents if they wait till they are of an age to handle the job.   Now a days thought we have kids having kids before they themselves are adults.  Also the ones that do know how to do it correctly are often afraid to do what they know needs done, because they are afraid to be labeled child abusers or bad parents.   I do not advocate beating a child harshly or for no reason, but I do feel sometimes a swat or 2 on the butt can make the difference between a child dead from playing in the road and a child that lives to have children of their own some day.   lol my mom would always let us know when we had pushed too far by calling us by our full names.   If we stopped doing what she had told us to stop before or when she called us by all 3 names we did not get spanked, but if we pushed past the all 3 names warning we knew next we would get a spanking.   My sister taught me that when I was like 5.   She tole me to stop what I was doing I forget what it was.  I said why?  She said mom just called you by all 3 names and if you do not stop now you are gonna get a spanking.    I ignored my sisters warning and she was right.   After that I never pushed past when mom called me by my full name i stopped what I was doing, and did not get spanked.    I tried to teach the same lesson to my little brother, but he was hard headed and occasionally pushed past the warning sign lol.   Today's moms are worried they will have the law at their house for making their kids do as they tell them to.   My mom did not worry about that.   It is as she told her sister one time and her father before that.   Their father tried to interfere in  how the girls raised the grandchildren.   He would not allow my aunt to spank her kids and I might add they got in much trouble with the law, but my mom straight up told him (These are my kids and when they need their a** beat they are gonna get it.)   Notice the wording NEED.   If we got spanked it was cause we did not listen any other way.   
     So many parents today either want to be their kids friends or they are afraid to be the disciplinarians in the family, and as a result we have a generation of willful, selfish, entitled, disobedient, and disrespectful kids that think they can say or do anything to anyone and get away with it.  More parents need to realize they are not meant to be their children's friends they are meant to be their parents.   Someone to protect the child and teach it right from wrong and how to survive in the world without breaking laws or hurting other people.   It does not necessarily mean the parent hates the child just because the child gets a swat on the rump once in a while to drive home a point.   
   What irritates me most is when I see a kid sassing a parent.   If you do not respect your own parent, you will respect no one.     I believe all children can be taught to be good people, but it takes a strong parent to do it.   One that is not afraid to say no to their child or if need be give them a swat to make them understand something they are doing is dangerous and will not be tolerated.  I will give you a perfect example of something that happened about 15 years ago up the street from my house.   A young mother was caring for her 2 children alone.   The girl was a baby and the boy was about 4 years old.   Every time the mother took her eyes off the boy for even a second he would go to the road.   After she took him off the road for the third time in one day she decided she need to make him understand to stay off the road.   She took a tiny switch off a bush in the yard and when she took him off the street the last time she swatted him a couple times with the switch.   One of the neighbors called the police and reported her for child abuse.   When the police came out she let them see her son and told the officers  He would not stay off the road and I would rather he have a couple little welts then be dead from getting hit by a car wouldn't you?   The police realized this was not a case of abuse.   This was a case of a mother doing what she needed to to protect her son,  and they went away without pressing charges.   She knew what needed to be done to protect her child from being hit by a car and winding up in a casket.     I believe use other means when necessary like time outs and I myself am a big fan of positive reinforcement.   If a child does what they should without being a brat you give them something they want.   I used to use candy canes as rewards for doing homework, but there are many possibilities.   I told my niece one time if she was good for a month I would get her a rain stick.   I think she still has it.   So many parents today cave to children whining or crying or temper fits.   As a parent you need to stand strong and show the child who is boss.  YOU ARE THE PARENT not their friend and it is your job to teach them how to get along in the world not be a pain to others in the world.    OK I WILL CLIMB DOWN OFF MY SOAP BOX NOW. lol, but think about it we did not have kids taking guns to school and shooting their class mates when parents were not afraid to swat their butts if they needed it.


     I have been very blessed when it comes to family. n0.118.gif   None of then has ever been in jail or on drugs.   Some of them do drink a little, but not enough to get themselves arrested.   The best thing about my family is how willing we all are to help each other out when needed.   Let's take tomorrow for example my niece in law is going to spend most of her day off taking me to do things tomorrow.   I have 2 doctor appointments and I need to get groceries, and she is going to take me to do it all.   When I had to go to the hospital one morning from a bad allergic reaction my sister and her husband took me, but my nephew and my niece in law showed up at the hospital before they went to work to make sure I was ok.   Not many will make a special trip to check on someone before work. 
    My brother is another one who will look out for me he was at the hospital with me till 3 am one morning and he had to be at work at 6 he stayed after they put me in my room cause he knew I was scared.   My family do many more things for me then I can ever do for them, but I help out where I can.   My brother once needed some things made for work and I am good with a computer so I did them for him.   When my sister needed her flower beds weeded I did them for her because they had poison in them.   She is allergic to it I am not.   When my nephew needed help with the garage they were building I went and helped him.   A couple years later his mom was there for me when I fell and sprained both ankles bad she stopped what she was doing and drove 15 miles to my house to take me to the hospital.
     It is great to have family that cares about each other.   It makes me want to cry when I see families who fight with each other and I mean real fights where they do not talk to each other not just the arguments every family has some times.    I know some families who never see each other by choice not by distance.   Every Christmas my family all gathers for a day together.   Some of us live far from others but we all make it home for the gathering.   The only exceptions have been when someone was ill or if they had to work.  My mom started it decades ago when my oldest brother first got married and moved out, and we have kept it up over the years even past our parents deaths.   It helps to keep our family ties tight.   I really feel sorry for  someone who is estranged from their family and has to face the world all alone.   The world can be a cold mean scary place if you have to face it alone.  
     Mother's day is coming up soon and everyone should remember their mom on mother's day.   That is all I can do is remember my mom she died in 1989.   I urge all of you who still have your mothers to call them, go see them, or send them something on mothers day so they know you still love them and that your family ties are still strong, because without mothers there would be no families. 
     And before I get comments about families that do not have mothers, I would like to point out that some families may not have mothers NOW, but if there had been no mother there would have been no baby born and thus no families.   I am very aware there are many one parent families, and many unconventional families with 2 mothers or 2 fathers in today's world.   These family ties can be just as strong as the original style of family.   I have a friend who was once married and had 3 handsome boys.   She got married to a woman a couple years ago who also has a son of her own.   Their family is not what is thought of as conventional, but there is so much love in that family that their family ties are very strong.
     In closing I would like to suggest to you all that you do what ever you can to make and keep your family ties strong, because when a family member dies the chance to be close to them again is lost for ever.   I know that only too well.   For many years my older brother and I were not close at all.   I had tried to get closer for years but he did not meet me there.   Then he had his heart attack and he changed.   He himself reached out to me and I went to him.   We spent 3 nice holidays together before my brother died of cancer that following year.   I often think about the lost years and what might have been if he had lived on.   The last holiday we spent together before his death was Easter.   I was emotional as I often get when holidays role around, and my brother who was at that time fighting the cancer put his arm around me and hugged me when I was crying.   For the first time in about 40 years I actually felt like I had my big brother back.   When I was a little girl he used to protect me.   He would stand between me and the wind at the bus stop my first year to school so i did not get cold.   He used his body as a wind break for me.   He would carry me through the deep snow we used to get around our house in the mountains.   When an older boy picked on me he went to the boys house and warned him what would happen if he did not leave me alone.    He used to be my hero, but he disappointed me and came crashing off the pedestal I had him on.   I tried many times to forgive him over the years, but he would do something else that would hurt my feelings and dig the old scars open.   When he made the effort to fix things between him and I, I was not sure it would work but I wanted to try.    I just wonder if he had lived how close we would be now.    So if you have a relative you were once close to and are not now you should try to fix the relationship while there is still time, because when they are gone it is too late.


     I am constantly amazed by the stupidity of some people and companies.   Let's take the call I got a few minutes ago for example.   I was minding my own business watching some tv, and I got call that came up private n my caller id.   I have a friend that comes up private so i answered it.   It was one of those scammers pretending to be from Microsoft.    The fist stupid thing they said was they were from Microsoft.   Microsoft is not going to call people that never called them, and especially not at 9 pm on a Sunday night.   Then they said they registered malware on my computer trying to get me to let them take it off the computer for me.    I know there is no malware on my computer as I have a paid security/antivirus on my computer, and malware bytes ( a very good product that I have used for years).   I also have ccleaner on my computer, and i run them all regularly.   I also know how to check my registry for errors.   I listened to what the guy said for  a bit then I cut him off with one simple question that if he can see malware on my computer he should know.   I asked him what windows i am running on my computer?   He said Microsoft windows.   I am thinking what an idiot.    I said no i mean is it windows  98  XP  7  8   9 or 10  lol I know there is no 9  I just threw that in there to see if he would tell me there is no 9.   He did not.   He kept asking me to boot up my computer.   If he could really see anything on my computer like he said he did the malware he would have know it was already up.     When he could not tell me what windows I am running  I said ok we're done here,  cause you do not know what you are talking about,and hung up on him.     These people that call you and want you to let them into your computers are idiots, or they think you are an idiot.   Either way I am not letting anyone I do not know in my computer unless I myself call them for help.   I sure am not letting someone that blocks their number in my computer so they can put things on it to make my computer act up to try to trick me into thinking I have problems that I do not, like a certain antivirus company that many use does.